160. The day before:

It was 20th June 1940, the day before the day of “Maha Nirvana” (great Liberation) of P.P.Doctorjee (i.e. the day before the day of his death).

P.P.Doctorjee’s state was deteriorating rapidly. P.P. Shri Guruji and others stood surrounding his deathbed, with tears of sorrow streaming down their cheeks. It was a terrible sight. P.P.Doctorjee was in intense pain; and occasionally, he came to a state of semi-awakening, only to lapse back into a stupor very quickly, punctuated by whimpers of pain. The doctor who had come for the daily medical check, examined P.P.Doctorjee thoroughly and said, “We should now proceed with ‘Lumbar Puncture’.” As soon as P.P.Doctorjee heard these words, he came fully awake. He gazed intently at P.P. Shri Guruji. In a shaking but loud and clear voice; he said: “Guruji, from this point on, you have to look after the work.” Immediately, he closed his eyes, and lapsed into unconsciousness. 

No one present could fully comprehend at the moment, what P.P.Doctorjee meant to say. Everyone’s heart however, was deeply touched. As soon as the doctor’s decision on Lumbar Puncture fell onto his ears, P.P.Doctorjee, who was a medical doctor himself, understood that his final moment in this world was very soon to come. P.P.Doctorjee therefore did is final duty, that of appointing his successor. However, no one present could even think of P.P.Doctorjee’s death; so his last words were lost on them at that time.

Lumbar puncture procedure was done on P.P.Doctorjee in the evening of 20th June 1940. On the very next day, he left his earthy body forever.

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