142. The story of a circular (“Patraka Prakarana”) 
(Patraka: circular or memo, Prakarana: ‘Story’ or ‘chapter’)

In P.P.Doctorjee’s lifetime, among the challenges that Sangha had to overcome, the challenge posed by the “Patraka” was the most important one.

In 1932-34, succumbing to the anti-Sangha rabble-rousing propaganda by certain anti-social elements, the provincial government of Central Provinces issued a circular (decree), prohibiting the admission of Sangha swayamsevaks to Government–aided schools and other institutions. The pretext was that Sangha was a “Communal” association. Since the Government had gotten involved, P.P.Doctorjee decided to oppose this unjust decree by all possible legal means.

The Government decree emphasized that Sangha was “Communal”; it also hinted that such activities caused communal riots. P.P.Doctorjee attacked the word “communal” squarely. If a group attacked member of other communities, it would be justifiably “communal”. P.P.Doctorjee emphasized that Sangha focus was to help the Hindu Community. This automatically did not mean that it was against other communities. In fact, such a conclusion is downright irrational. P.P.Doctorjee criticized the Government decree sharply. He awakened the public opinion through several letters, personal visits, etc. The Government was literally besieged with an outpouring of public criticism against its policy.

P.P.Doctorjee’s public speeches in those days were full of powerful self-confidence and faith in the success of his mission. People at large saw P.P.Doctorjee as an ideal example of how a dirt-poor, common citizen could shake an almighty Government to its very roots. All political parties, big and small harshly criticized this Government decree.

This decree was also questioned in the provincial legislative assembly. There, it became obvious that the Government did not have an iota of proof or evidence against Sangha. This led to a “No confidence motion”, which carried successfully, and the Sharif Chabal administration lost the power.

Those who had tried to dig a hole to bury Sangha were buried in it themselves. Sangha actually benefited – it received more free publicity in 2 months compared to its publicity in previous two decades.

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