As was his custom, P.P.Doctorjee requested Sardar Vithalbhai Patel (brother
of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel) to visit the Mohitewadi Shakha (it was the only
Sangha Shakha then). Vithalbhai, who had traveled around the world, was a
keen observer of human enterprise and he was a great Indian patriot. He had
seen many institutions and associations in India and around the world.
Naturally, the swayamsevaks were very eager to listen to him.
He said: “Till today, I have seen organizations amassing tools and equipment,
money and means to earn lots of it. But here in the Sangha Shakha, I saw a
novel, completely new idea at work. I saw how national character is being
molded; how powerful bodies are being built to work for India. This has truly
thrilled my heart.”
Vithalbhai’s deeply sincere words moved all the listeners!