70. Doctorjee's Emphasis on Achieving set Goals:

After reaching the highly ambitious goal of Rs.2000 as "Gurudakshina" (literally, offering to the Guru, or spiritual preceptor, who happens to be the sacred "Bhagwa Dhwaja" (i.e. saffron Flag) for RSS) for the year 1933, Doctorjee and the Swayamsevaks set an even higher goal for 1934 to double the offering, to Rs. 4000. This idea was conveyed to every swayamsevak, to every sympathizer. Many new swayamsevaks conveyed their most optimistic estimates to Doctorjee, yet the total did not reach Rs. 4000. Then Doctorjee said: "This system of getting the best estimate from each shakha, and then adding them up to see if we will reach our goal, is in fact a wrong approach. Let each shakha set its goal, based on the total being Rs. 4000; that must be achieved. Then each shakha should work hard to attain its own goal".

Even after tremendous efforts, the total had reached only Rs 3500, far short of the target. Doctorjee was obsessed with the idea - the goal of Rs 4000 must be reached. He began to explain the idea to everyone he met. One of his friends who heard him out said: "Doctor, you have already exceeded your 1933 achievement (Rs. 2000) sizably, by reaching Rs.3500. This is very close to your 1934 goal of Rs. 4000. Why do you worry so much for the last Rs. 500 which is not that big a sum any how?"

With a smile, Doctorjee quipped: "If I did not have this immense drive to reach the set goal, I would have, like others in my time, practiced medicine for profit, owned a large home, and spent my life luxuriating in materialistic pleasures of life". He was revealing actually the secret of his success.

Doctorjee's ceaseless efforts bore fruit. The offering for 1934-" Gurudakshina" reached the magic figure of Rs. 4000!

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