106. “P.P.Doctorjee was a firm promoter of education”  

In our time (pre-independence days of Bharat), it was common to boycott schools and colleges that taught nonsensical allegiance to the British, (including cooked up history courses that glorified the oppressive British regime). Even then, it was fashionable in those days for the Indian political leaders to send their children abroad for higher education.  

P.P.Doctorjee fully understood the value and importance of education.  That was the one way to be respectable in Bharateeya Society.  Therefore in spite of his own dire poverty, he took great pains to complete his graduation as a Medical Doctor. 

He insisted that all Sangha workers should be University graduates.  Once, when a Swayamsevak who had passed his Matriculation exams (high school graduation) asked P.P.Doctorjee’s permission to stop his studies to become a “Pracharak” (a full time, dedicated Sangha worker), P.P.Doctorjee refused to give him permission.  He insisted that the boy should complete at least his Bachelor of Arts degree at Bombay University.  He convinced the boy that people would listen to him with great respect once he got his degree, and thus Sangha work would grow better, with him as a graduate, than otherwise.


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