103. “Doctorjee joked his way to
overcome empty vanity” |
Behind today’s campus of “Nagpur Maha Vidhyalaya” formerly, in
P.P.Doctorjee’s days, there used to be a “Maurice college”. The students there were very vainly proud
of themselves. They thought that as
“Mauricians” they were the top ones in Athletics as well as Academic
achievements. Many Swayamsevaks were
also in this group. Their excessive
boasting irritated others. Once, in a sport meet at the
Maurice College, the agriculture department had organized some animal shows,
including a donkey running race.
Doctorjee happened to walk-by the grounds, right at that time. He quipped: “Oh, how nice it is, to see
these Mauricians racing in their new reincarnation!” |
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